The first Space Hacker Workshop for Suborbital Experiments, held in Mountain View (Silicon Valley) on May 4-5, spurred a considerable amount of media interest. Here, in no particular order, are links to some of the stories. There was at least one television story, which doesn’t seem to be available online, and one Danish magazine article which was online but seems to have disappeared.

Discover Magazine

Citizen Science Ventures Into Space

Make magazine

Citizen Astronaut and Space Hacker Workshop Highlights

DIY Space Exploration Takes Flight Space Hckers Take on Citizen Science for Suborbital Spaceflight

Wired magazine

Space Hackers Unite!


Citizen Scientists See Space as New Frontier

San Jose Mercury News

Space Hacker Workshop a Sure Sign of Silicon Valley’s Space Craze

Space in Reach For Average Joes at Silicon Valley Adult Space Camp

Photos: Space Hacker Workshop

Palo Alto Online News

Entrepreneurs Take Aim at Suborbital Science

Mountain View Voice

Not Your Grandfather’s Space Program

Moon and Back

Space a Whole Lot Closer for a Hundred Plus People

Scientific American

Space Hacker Workshop (South German)

Umsonst ins All (Free Space)

Written by Astro1 on May 24th, 2013 , Citizens in Space Tags:

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